manners_cartoon1With the proliferation of four letter words in music, social media, and all over cable and even network TV, does anyone care at all anymore about manners, courtesy, or proper English?

It seems that entire TV channels are devoted to the most shocking “reality” shows they can create, showing people using the most outrageous lack of manners, rudeness, slang, and all other manner of behavior that’s guaranteed to bring in the ratings. Back-stabbing, name-calling and blaming are de-rigueur.

I guess that we, as a nation, are truly fascinated … not by good manners, not by courtesy and consideration —-but by their opposites.

What’s up with that?

Here’s my question: Does using proper business etiquette make you appear quaint, old-fashioned, unhip, not with-it, perhaps even a “fuddy-duddy,” or is there still an important place for etiquette in the business world?

I’m going to go out on a limb here. (And it’s quite a sturdy limb, in no danger of breaking, so don’t worry.)

I’m going to suggest that in this uninhibited, anything-for-ratings, viral video, four-letter-word world we find ourselves in, etiquette, good manners, common courtesy and thoughtfulness are actually more important than ever.

And guess what you’ll have if you use them? You’ll have the reputation for being a class act — someone others want to know, work with, and even help, when needed.

This is important, because none of us exist in a vacuum. I’m a firm believer in both mentors and advocates, to help you advance your professional career. All of us need and benefit from this type of help.

I mentioned the reality competition “Project Runway” in an older blog.

In a recent episode, the designers were each given a sewing assistant, to help them complete a more ambitious project in the allotted time. The assistants, of course, were contestants who’d been previously eliminated.
Sparks started flying immediately. One designer was so rude, so aggressive, and so emotionally abusive to his poor unsuspecting assistant, I was shocked.

Interestingly, the rude and abusive designer won that night’s challenge. Of course, the judges knew nothing about what had gone on during the workroom.

Great reality TV? Yep. I’ll be back for more. Great business strategy? Not. At. All.

Now, I’m really rooting against that designer, whereas before that episode I’d liked him. I don’t want him to win, because I don’t want to see that kind of behavior rewarded. That’s not the kind of world I’d like to create.

I’m sure that there are rude and abusive people who make it to the top of their professions. Especially if their professions include reality TV. But I would never hire that designer (if I ever had occasion to hire a fashion designer), and I would not feel very inclined to help him in his career, either.

Did you see that episode? What do you think?

Please don’t let reality TV fool you into thinking that what’s appropriate in the “Celebrity Apprentice” boardroom is ever going to be appropriate in yours.

Want to learn more about proper business etiquette, 2013 style? Our Professional Impressions training program teaches business participants the latest on manners and professionalism.

Check out my book, Help! Was That a Career-Limiting Move?