The Perfect (Brain) Storm

The Perfect (Brain) Storm

Chances are that at some point in your career, you’ll either participate in brainstorming or be asked to faciliate a brainstorming session. Whether your company needs to break through a block, chart a cutting edge course, or find new ways to lower costs --...

The Perfect (Brain) Storm

Forbes 100 Most Powerful Women – Part 2

I’m still thinking about the amazing achievements of the women on this year’s annual Forbes 100 Most Powerful Women list. The ways that women can effect change in this world are many and growing, ranging from the time-honored tradition of raising happy, healthy and...

The Perfect (Brain) Storm

Forbes 100 Most Powerful Women

Forbes recently released its annual “100 Most Powerful Women” list. I talked a few blog posts back about Sheryl Sandberg’s new book, Lean In, and her contention that women still don’t make up anywhere near enough of the top, “power” spots in the corporate world or...

The Perfect (Brain) Storm

The Depth of Leadership

At the surface level, a leader is merely one who leads others. That sounds pretty simple, so what’s all the fuss about? Yet, at the same time, leadership can reach into and transform every aspect of a person’s being. Are great leaders born, or made? I’d say the...

Is Vulnerability the New Accountability?

Is Vulnerability the New Accountability?

Isn’t it funny how new buzzwords come along every so often, and get everyone talking? I recently enjoyed an article on wherein the author posed the question, “Is it okay for leaders to show vulnerability?” When I hear the word vulnerability, I think of...

The Perfect (Brain) Storm

Coaching: Pipe Dream to Dream Team

Imagine leading an inspired team of high producing employees. Imagine if everyone on your team was as invested in the success of your business as in their own personal success; and going a step further, they understood that those two were not separate, but...