Women as Leaders in the Corporate World

Women as Leaders in the Corporate World

With the release of Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg’s new book, Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead, the role of women as leaders has been prominently in the news. It seems that Sandberg is trying to start a movement; perhaps we could call it feminism 2.0? Her...

Advocates — Your Secret Weapon for Professional Development

Advocates — Your Secret Weapon for Professional Development

Are you lucky enough to have a business mentor? It could be someone who is either successful in your particular field or generally successful in business, or who takes you under his/her wing. If so, that relationship can be a huge boon to your success. Being mentored...

Advocates — Your Secret Weapon for Professional Development

Personal Marketing Quandry: Toot Your Own Horn at Work?

There’s a huge difference between being humble, and being passive, mousy or timid. It’s OK to let the world — and more importantly, your superiors — know what a great job you’re doing. You also can do so without being full of yourself, a braggart, or an arrogant,...

Advocates — Your Secret Weapon for Professional Development

Is Fear Inhibiting Your Professional Development?

“Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” ~~ T. S. Eliot We all know people who are risk takers ... they take large leaps in a single bound, fearlessly bounding up corporate ladders, while we watch from the safety of our...

Advocates — Your Secret Weapon for Professional Development

Women — Break the Glass Ceiling Within

Time Magazine recently ran a fascinating interview with Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook, and undoubtedly one of the most successful and influential female corporate executives of all time. The piece was timed to coincide with the release of Sandberg’s new book, Lean...