A culture of accountability begins with an attitude of accountability. Do you have an attitude of accountability?

Accountability = Ownership

This includes ownership of your thoughts, actions, feelings, and last but hardly least, your results. Accountability is the opposite of blaming or playing victim. It is the opposite of passivity, because the attitude of accountability is proactive and powerful. It is taking the high road, regardless of circumstances.

Accountability is an attitude that can be learned and practiced. Do you have an attitude of accountability? Ask yourself these questions … or better still, ask your manager!

  • How do I receive negative feedback? Calmly? Politely? Do I take see it as a heads up, showing me how I can improve, or do I see it as a personal attack?
  • How do I react when things don’t go my way? Do I immediately start to blame others or look first at my own part in the outcome?
  • How do I react when my ideas are rejected? Do I sulk, get angry, withdraw? Do I instead take it as an opportunity to build a better case or improve the idea?
  • What is my attitude when I am given a difficult job to do? Do I complain to co-workers about how much work it is? Or do I see it as a challenge and growth opportunity?

Although you can’t make anyone else want to be accountable, attitudes are highly contagious. Just by taking full responsibility for your attitude, you begin to raise the bar for your entire team.

Download Chapter 1: Attitude from my book “No Excuses! Create a Culture of Accountability” for more on how cultivate an empowering attitude of accountability.