In my last post, I discussed the challenges that job applicants face when interviewing for a different job within their same company.
No matter how long you’ve been with your company, how terrific your reputation, or what you’ve achieved there … prepare to interview for this potential new job as competitively as any other position.
Don’t assume that others in your company know about your achievements; be sure to showcase them during the interview when appropriate.
Research the job requirements ahead of time, and come to the interview prepared to explain just how — and why — your skills (soft and hard) make you the perfect candidate.
In some cases, interviewing for a new company is easier — because you can start fresh with someone who doesn’t know you, and put your best foot forward. But with an internal interview, your performance on your current job, your annual reviews, and any mistakes that you might have made may factor into the equation.
Never try to hide your mistakes, if the interviewer brings them up. (Don’t bring them up yourself though!) We all make mistakes. Never try to shift the blame to someone else, your company’s policies, etc. Instead, take responsibility but focus on what you learned, what you would do differently, and how you’ve grown as an employee from whatever happened.
Again, interviewing internally for a position presents some very different challenges for a job candidate, but you must still prepare for it with diligence. Consider your answers to these commonly asked interview questions in advance.
Be ready for everything and best of luck!