LBI strongly believe that although no one is perfect and never will be, continued personal and professional growth is a worthwhile and attainable goal.

Individuals or teams that continue growing professionally can continue offering greater and greater value to the organization, and find correspondingly more fulfillment at their jobs.

Our clients have asked us how they could continue their employees’ growth after our on-site training programs — at lunch-and-learn style meetings, or during their regular team meetings. In response to their desire to keep inspiring, honing, and expanding their teams’ abilities, BRODY is excited to launch its new Learning Burst Series. More details about this new offering, including a video explanation by Marjorie Brody and links to listen to demo webinars, can be found here.

Developed for groups of up to 20 people to learn together, the Learning Burst concept focuses on the increasingly important skills like: leadership, effective coaching, listening, influencing, business writing and presentation skills.

Led by your own internal facilitator, the series unfolds over the course of one year, with a different topic each month. Learning takes place via:

• A 30-minute archived webinar encouraging participant discussion and interaction throughout the session.
• A PDF of the webinar’s PowerPoint slides, to use for notes during the webinar and subsequent team conversation.
• A “mini” book for each participant (from our “Your Competitive Advantage” series), which supports and gives more detail on each subject … and can be used back on the job.
• A discussion guide recommending topics for conversation and activities to reinforce the learning. (It also helps the leader make the series more effective for group/team learning.)
• An introductory webinar where I’ll share best practices and “how-tos” so sessions are more effective.

The 12 monthly topics on the agenda:
1. Mastering Presentation Skills
2. Demonstrating Accountability
3. Improving Business Writing
4. Using Courageous Coaching
5. Increasing Listening Skills
6. Influencing Without Authority
7. Igniting Your Personal Brand
8. Ensuring Effective Meetings
9. Creating Leadership Presence
10. Dealing with Difficult People
11. Managing Crucial Conversations
12. Bridging Generational Gaps

Let me whet your appetite with some of the powerful information team members will receive and assimilate during this training series.

From the new “mini” book, Influence Without Authority … People, Projects & Progress:

What does “influencing without authority” mean? Here’s a simple definition: Influencing without authority is the ability to get the job done with the best possible outcome — by receiving the help and cooperation of people over whom you have no direct control or authority. In an increasingly competitive corporate world, there are many situations where employees might find themselves that can only be managed with some savvy influencing skills.

Learning to influence, regardless of your particular position or pay grade, requires:
• converting to a leadership mentality
• taking greater responsibility
• learning to partner with those in higher positions than yours, for mutual benefit

What are some of the hallmarks of successful influencing?
• Respect
• Patience
• Building a relationship
• Building trust over time
• Listening and taking a genuine interest in helping others

Can influencing without authority be risky?

Sure! But don’t let that stop you. Attempting to gain influence with more powerful people does have a certain element of risk – you are, after all, really putting yourself out there, perhaps even taking initiative and responsibilities beyond your “job description.” It requires courage.”

Sound like this program might contain the kind of information your teams could use to grow stronger and more effective? Contact us today for more details on BRODY’s Learning Burst Series! Or, download the one sheet overview about this new professional development option.

By the way, all our “mini” books are available for purchase as a 10-book “Your Competitive Advantage Series” in the BRODY Success Store. They’d make a great gift for a new graduate!