Are you a New Year’s resolution maker?
Why not focus on some important career- and work-related promises?
Work-related resolutions help you implement important changes that can have dramatic, long-term effects on your career trajectory.
The secret to New Year’s resolution success? Keep them small and specific.
Here are my five easy-to-keep, career-oriented New Year’s resolutions for 2014:
- I’ll greet coworkers with a smile. Why not flash your most engaging grin while you say, “Good morning!”? Believe it or not, it has great benefits:
- Smiling at others builds stronger interpersonal relationships and more effective work teams.
- Smiling brightens other people’s day, and has been found to be contagious, leading to a happier work environment.
- According to an article on the scientific benefits of smiling in Psychology Today, the act of smiling activates neural messaging that benefits your health and happiness.
- I won’t hold private conversations in public places. Why? Because you simply don’t know who’s listening.
- I’ll learn to network, including how to make introductions, start conversations, and keep building the relationship.
- I’ll invest in training and development. Don’t leave your career development up to your employer. Keep improving and expanding your skill set.
Have you made any business resolutions in the past? Did you keep them? Let me know in the comments.